

JSU网站 > 美国澳门皇冠体育教育与人类发展学院 > 哈里斯-甘布雷尔阅读中心


Dr. Virgia D. Gambrell2
Dr. Virgia D. Gambrell
Dr. 哈里斯
Dr. 乔伊斯B. 哈里斯






The Reading Center, as initially conceptualized by retired JSU reading professors Dr. 乔伊斯·哈里斯博士. Virgia Gambrell, 在20世纪70年代演变为雷丁高地, the then Department of Reading’s signature program for enhancing the reading 技能 of students in primary through secondary grades through the School of Education at 澳门皇冠体育. 医生的服务. 哈里斯 and Gambrell through these and other facets of the Reading Center has been invaluable to the lives of many students and their families and to building the assessment and reading-based infrastructure of the College and University.  以博士命名. Joyce 哈里斯 (Professor of Reading and former Associate Dean) and Virgia Gambrell (Professor of Reading and former Chair of Reading), 哈里斯-甘布雷尔阅读中心于1月16日落成, 2008年作为一年一度的Ruth R. 搜索扫盲会议.


The 哈里斯-甘布雷尔阅读中心 (HGRC) bridges the gap between early childhood, elementary education and higher education through specially designed reading activities that maximize the P-20 experience by involving a unique blend of early learners, 大学生和研究生.

Services available for early childhood and elementary students include pre-tests, 后测试和干预.  Instructional materials are provided to increase skill acquisition in decoding, 流利, 和理解.  Services are provided during after-school and summer sessions to students in a reading clinic environment with the purpose of improving reading abilities.

Services are provided by certified teachers enrolled in the Master’s of Science in Reading program (along with pre-service teachers) under the guidance of faculty in the Department of Elementary & 幼儿教育.  Students’ initial session include assessments to determine specific deficiencies that result in the development of a student profile and instructional reading plan.

HGRC的工作人员与洛蒂女士的学生密切合作. 桑顿幼儿中心 and Kids Kollege afterschool and summer programs.  The HGRC also includes a Mobile Reading Component whereby HGRC staff conducts on-site reading assistance for area early childhood and elementary students.

除了为早期学习者提供个性化服务之外, involvement of the family in the reading-enhancement process and connecting reading to real world experiences are central parts of the Center’s operations. Instructional sessions are designed to allow parents to participate in an effort to demonstrate how they may provide reinforcement and extension of skill instructional activities.


Dr. Tracy 哈里斯 serves as the Director of the 哈里斯-甘布雷尔阅读中心 (HGRC).  她是小学部的副教授 & 幼儿教育 with a current Mississippi Educator License for remedial reading (K-12) and psychometry (K-12).  方便香港民政事务监察委员会提供服务, undergraduate teacher education students and graduate students in the Masters of Reading Education and Doctor of Education programs assist with assessments, 干预措施, and workshops under the guidance of faculty in the Department of Elementary & 幼儿教育.


Dr. 特蕾西·哈里斯导演

P. O. 18380箱

杰克逊,MS 39217



教育学院 & 人类发展

约瑟夫H. 杰克逊教育学院大楼

SEB 310室








我们学院致力于培养未来的教育工作者, 辅导员, and leaders who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

We offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs that provide students with the knowledge, 技能, 以及在他们选择的领域取得成功所必需的实践经验. Our faculty are experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching and mentorship, and who are actively engaged in research that informs and improves their work in the classroom.

除了我们的学术课程, we offer a variety of resources and support services to help students succeed. 我们的中心 澳门皇冠体育 提供学术建议, 辅导, and other services designed to help students achieve their academic goals. 我们还提供一些体验式学习的机会, 比如学生教学, 实习, 服务学习, 让学生在他们的领域获得实践经验.

教育与人类发展学院,我们相信教育是创造更美好世界的关键. 你是否对教学感兴趣, 咨询, 领导, 或者任何其他与教育和人类发展相关的领域, we are here to help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.


The vision of the 教育与人类发展学院 is to be the premier Urban institution of choice within the state of Mississippi, 该地区, 并为国家准备教师, 心理咨询师和心理健康专家, 专业发展专家, 学校领导, and other school related professional practitioners with the latest in technology, 最佳实践和具有适应性专业知识的响应性教育工作者.

We are also proud of our designation as a provider institution and partner with the U.S. 国家教育工作者准备转型中心.



1400约翰·R. 林奇街
杰克逊,MS 39217-0280
