



学生自由倡议 is working to help create a world where Minority Serving institutions’ (MSI) college graduates are free of the constraints caused by the ever increasing burden of student loan debt. 澳门皇冠体育’s (JSU) 144-year legacy of southern excellence is an ideal place for 学生自由倡议 programs. JSU以及其他参与的hbcu和msi, 学生可以获得帮助他们在学术和专业上取得成功的工具. The programs and resources 学生自由倡议 has created on campuses across the country can provide the resources to help equip students with the knowledge to create pathways to better lives following graduation.  

学生自由倡议提供的课程以学生为中心, 以证据为基础的, 整体和协作. 利用学生成功的可用数据, 学生自由倡议 provides essential student supports both academically and professionally, 这样他们才能实现自己的职业和个人目标.    



学生自由倡议为所有符合条件的学生提供以下服务, 视情况而定: 

  • 辅导、指导和其他支持服务  
  • 与学生兴趣相匹配的实习 
  • Juniors and seniors in select majors may also be eligible to apply for an income-contingent funding alternative to the Parent PLUS Loan and other private education loans called the 学生自由协议. 

另外, 联合州立大学正在参与目标能力建设部分, 由AVC技术公司和思科公司提供的网络安全升级, 这将有利于大学社区.  


The 学生自由协议 is an income-contingent funding alternative to Parent PLUS and other private education loans. 澳门皇冠体育 does not endorse 学生自由倡议’s Income Contingent Alternative to Parent Plus and other private education loans product. 澳门皇冠体育不隶属于学生自由倡议组织. Students and families can think of it as one part of a total 金融援助 package which could help them with unmet cost in aid during their junior and senior years. The 学生自由协议 is available at JSU and other participating colleges and universities for third and fourth year students in specified STEM majors, 由学时决定. 

JSU administration have determined that students in the following STEM majors are eligible to apply for the 学生自由协议: 

  • 生物学 
  • 化学 
  • 土木工程 
  • 计算机工程 
  • 计算机科学 
  • 地球系统科学 
  • 电气工程 
  • 数学 
  • 气象学 
  • 物理 
  • 统计数据 


请注意: JSU的学生, 谁符合上述要求, must also meet the following eligibility criteria (as determined and confirmed by student’s school) to receive funding under the 学生自由协议:  

  • 完成了一个 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or acceptable alternative state aid application that is accepted and approved by student’s school; 
  • 有效的社会安全号码; 
  • Not an international student or foreign exchange student authorized to enter the United States on a non-immigrant visa; 
  • 多数为年龄或以上; 
  • 受资助学年的大三或大四学生; 
  • Enrolled full-time for the coming academic term (unless we grant an exception because student requires less than full-time enrollment to complete his/her bachelor’s degree in her/his final year of study); 
  • Working towards a degree in an approved STEM major; and 
  • 达到学校规定的令人满意的学业进步. 

只有学生可以申请和签署学生自由协议. 这不是给父母或监护人看的,尽管他们当然可以也应该给学生建议. 


Students who meet all of the aforementioned criteria in the section above may apply for financial assistance through 学生自由倡议. Students who are offered funding and sign the 学生自由协议 are agreeing to make monthly payments following graduation.  


  • The monthly payment is based entirely on earnings and will begin on the 1st of January after the student graduates and has a job earning more than 225% of the Federal Poverty Level for individuals. Additional details on the Federal Poverty Level can be found on the 学生自由倡议 网站.  
  • The percentage of student’s future income used to calculate payments is based on how much funding student receives; it goes up with more funding but would not be more than 5%. 
  • 为了不惩罚高收入者,支付是有上限的。 
  • 还款期限最长为20年, 除非提前终止或调整付款期限.  
  • 逾期付款不收取任何费用或罚款. 
  • 允许12个月无理由延期付款. 在支付了延期付款后,收件人可以再拿12张.  

Students and families should note that by paying the funding provided by 学生自由倡议, 他们正在为其他学生未来的教育提升买单. 学生自由协议旨在成为一个自我维持的项目. Funding recipients paying into the fund to help those who follow them into colleges and universities is part of the design. 

  • 学生自由协议资金限制 
  • 符合条件的学生每年最多可获得20,000美元,总计40,000美元. 

所有符合条件的申请人都可以获得学生自由协议下的资助. Interested applicants should visit the 学生自由倡议 网站 to learn more details about the 学生自由协议 以及申请过程.  


The consequences of student debt in the African American community are compounding and have been projected to get worse over the next decades. 最近的黑人毕业生可能欠大约7美元,000, 但在获得学位后的短短四年里, 他们将得到大约25美元,他们的学生贷款债务比白人毕业生多1万. The wealth imbalance spirals and places undue burden on Black students because of a lack of generational wealth and lower wages following graduation. 

这些学生怎样才能获得解放,去实现他们的梦想——美国梦? 这就是问题所在慈善家和创新者 罗伯特F. 史密斯 着手解决. 史密斯是Vista Equity Partners的创始人、董事长兼首席执行官. 一个工程师, 史密斯 took on the broader issue of Black debt after resolving over $34 million in student loan debt. 史密斯解放了莫尔豪斯学院2019届的学生. 史密斯 gathered a team of experts from leading HBCUs and the finance industry to analyze the issue. 结果是推出了 学生自由倡议 2020年秋天. 史密斯现在担任该组织的主席.  

发射 学生自由倡议,非营利资助机构基金二基金会提供了5000万美元的捐赠. 史密斯,他是 基金二基金创始董事 总统本人也拿出了5000万美元. 

学生自由倡议 contributing partners in services and philanthropy have grown to include: the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation, 思科, 简街, 沃尔玛基金会的沃尔玛.种族平等中心和联合黑人大学基金. 商业圆桌会议, 史密斯是董事会成员的公司,有种族平等吗 & Justice Subcommittee on Education that has also initiated a partnership with 学生自由倡议.