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Why this style guide?

Style Guide

One of the primary tenets of effective branding is consistency in the usage of the brand mark (logo) and message. When inconsistencies exist, the consumer can easily become confused and not recognize your brand. JSU has a long history within the community and significant name recognition. Our intent in producing this style guide is to ensure that we make it easy for students, 校友, 捐助者, and members of the community to recognize our communications. Ensuring consistent brand usage is critical to building a strong brand foundation for the future.

A brand mark (logo), is only a part of a complete brand. The messages we use to communicate with our target audiences also are a part of our brand. 事实上, every action by an individual or department associated with the university that “touches” another individual must reflect the brand. This may include in-person meetings, social media, 该网站, 宣传册, 电视广告, 电子邮件, 电话, or even tone of voice. Since many of these activities are outside the control of University Communications, the brand must be well communicated and employees trained on how to convey the brand in their dealings with others. The JSU Brand Style Guide has been created to provide all JSU employees the tools they need to help maintain consistent communications.

JSU Brand Style Guide

Copyright 2012, Jackson State University®

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P.O. 17199箱
Jackson, MS 39217
